this is not a joke! whole adorno corpus in german
"Haddini aşan zıddına inkilap ediyor." Cahit Zarifoğlu [konuşmalar sf.137]
"I’ll never paint again. Because it’s of no use to anyone... I shall offer the Lord a vow of silence." Andrei Rublev
" The thinking of the truth of Being has its basic character in that silence which lets concealment expressly be concealment.thinking does not discuss one thing in order to be silent about what one in a strict manner cannot discuss; rather, its silence is eloquent, its discourse is silent; that is, it gives revealment back to concealment. silence is a making sielnt of concealment as the msytery which shelters everything. the "logic" of the the thinking of the truth of Being is making silent, "Sigetics" [Sigetik]. "silence is the prudent lawfullness of making silent. silence is the logic of philosophy in sofar as it asks the basic question from another beginning. It seeks the the truth of the essencing of Being [Seyn]-and this truth is the beckoning-suggestive concealment (the mystery) of the appropriative event [Ereignis]" (Beitrage; cf. also Nietszche 1, 471f). " Otto Pöggeler, Martin Heidegger's path of thinking; mütercim: daniel magurshak & sigmund barber, NJ: Humanities Press Intl.
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